So i went to the ER on Tuesday cuz i was having chest pains, shortness of breath and pressure/tightness in chest and they took blood, did an ekg then they put me on a heart monitor for hours but all and all the only thing they found was a kidney infection

Now 3 days later, i'm having the same symptoms but an added bonus of nasty palps

The main thing that bothers me though is the breathing thing, , what else can make you short of breath besides anxiety?

The reason i don't think the breathing is anxiety is cuz when i'm not having trouble breathing i consentrate on it for a while cuz i worry about it comming back and i can breathe normal for an hour or so but then right out of no where when i'm not thinking about it the breathing gets difficult again, usually followed by nausea and pressure in the chest area

Does anyone know what it could be? Any help would be appreciated, maybe something i could share with my dr for her to look into