I'll try to keep this one short, no guarantees, but I'll try. [^]

Having suffered from the grips of the little anxiety monster for the past 8 years I feel I have come a long way in this time.

I have dealt with a lot of issues, I have read, and read some more, I have talked to hundreds of people on here as well as other sites, by now I really should be equipped with enough positive information to tackle any issues related to anxiety with relative ease.

However, I'm still sitting here posting these stupid little questions.

But, that is exactly part of the problem; too much thinking and not enough practice.

The last thing I'm going to do is to turn this thread into one about my thinking habits though, there would just be no end, it would be mental suicide for all parties involved. [:P]

Instead, I've got a nice simple question.

Since I'm feeling a little spurt of motivation recently, I'm feeling like I want to go and confront that little anxiety monster again, rather than just thinking about what he is up to. I want to have words with him! [}]

All these years, this information that I have taken in has just been thrown to the bottom of my mind, I don't do organised, and that very same rule applies to the way I file my thoughts. They are just thrown about all over the place, they are all there, but no way of referencing them when needed most.

What this means, is that when I do need them most, I can't find them.

In short, I understand anxiety but lack the organisational and analytical skills to move forward.

I am working on it though, and wondered if anyone here had the same problems, or some good tips on dealing with it.

I'm coming to realise that an analytical method, practiced reguarly, is the only way to go, sticking to the method day in, day out.

What I really want to know is what game plans people have here. Do any of you have any serious methods planned out to put some structure into your recovery, or do you just all ponder about like me?

I need a game plan, any tips?
