I have the dentist tomorrow and to tell you the truth I would rather run naked through a rose garden, while being chased my a heard of 3 legged pigs. The tooth itself broke while eating a plate of humble sugar puffs. Stupidly I left it for a few days and now the pain is worse than listening to five mormons with the their beautiful teeth gleaming back at me while humming the osmond's greatest hits. So tomorrow I need to sit and wait from 8.30am until a dentist is free. As you can tell the dentist is not my most favourite place to spend the day and I see them more as places of torture. They also have a degree in LIES! They always say "this will hurt just a little bit"...Hurting a little bit is when I bite my tongue by mistake, not when you get injected by a six foot needle by a dentist who smiles more than a lotto winner, who then goes onto say "see it wasn't that bad was it"

emmmmm the fact that I was going AHHHHHHHHHH may just have been a clue that it was hurting or maybe while your injecting me you drifted into some other planet, no doubt thinking how much money you have. and lets let not forget he has not even started to extract the tooth yet. Now thats a whole new world of pain by itself!!!!!

Thankfully my dentist and I have a deal...He does not describe what he is going to do and I don't ask. In fact I keep my eyes shut at all times. He is also under instruction not to use the following words; oops, oh dear, oh no, and think I better get another dentist in here.

By this time tomorrow I should be pain free.

Why oh why do we suffer days of pain when the dentist can take the pain away in 10mins

If you have a dental phobia dont worry its never has bad as you or I think it will be