Dear all

I have been taking Fluoxetine (20mg) for the last 40 days for depression (marriage breakdown). Within days of taking this tablet my emotional tearfulness stopped and I felt there was light at the end of the tunnel.

I take the tablet first thing in the morning (my choice, I didn't realise there was a best/worst time to take it) and have noticed that my lack of motivation/sleepiness is on the increase and not subsiding as I had hoped.

I saw my GP after my first pack of 30 tablets had been taken and mentioned this to him and he said that the medication hadn't peaked yet and I should continue on the same dosage for at least another month.

I am experiencing general blurred vision but put this down to working on a PC all day but having read various threads this could be a side effect of the drug. I am now questioning if I should come off this drug myself as my spiralling downturn in motivation, to do even the simplest tasks such as washing up, laundry etc. is giving me cause for concern and I am finding that whilst I have no problems sleeping, there is no motivation to get out of bed and I am sleeping in later and later each day to the point of not going into work yesterday. I wake early (around 6am) and I am not tired when I do wake, I just roll over because I can't be bothered to get up and I'm off to sleep again.

I had thought this lack of motivation was down to the Winter months but now the sunshine is here I still have no interest to go outside and do things and the washing up and laundry is piling up, I can see it and know I should do it, but I make no effort to change it.

Should I continue as my GP advises until the drug 'peaks' or should I take action myself and ween myself off it because although I was emotional before I was still carrying out day to day stuff and going to work? I seem to be taking a backward step instead of moving forward and I'm now concerned about the blurred vision.

Thank you in advance for any answers/advice I receive.