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    How it all started

    Hi everyone

    February 11th 2009 ….. the start of it all ….

    Palpitations, feeling dizzy, light headed, everything felt surreal. I managed to take my daughter to school, god knows how I managed it, all the while thinking I could pass out or die at any moment.
    I went to see the GP, who said it may be nicotine poisoning, or too many stimulants i.e caffeine and nicotine. Told me to go back in a few days if things didn’t improve after cutting down on caffeine and nicotine.

    Symptoms apart from palpitations remained the same, I felt awful, scared that something was wrong with my heart. I went back to my GP and had an ECG and various blood tests. Results were fine, potassium level a little high, was advised to cut down on potassium. Did a little research on the internet only to discover all major foods contain potassium. I called the health centre to see if I could speak with a dietician, was told she only works one day a week, luckily the day I called, was told to call back later that day. I did so, she never turned up that day !!!

    I called the GP to ask how much I had to cut down on foods that were high in potassium, I was told to have one portion a day of high potassium foods. Foods that are high in potassium are, potatoes, all meat and fish, all raw vegetables, tomatoes, the list is endless. I basically starved myself for 3 days and almost passed out. I went back to the GP who advised me to start eating normally again, that my potassium level was not that high as to drastically cut all high potassium foods out. After a few days I started feeling a little better. I had a follow up blood test, potassium level back to normal.

    Approx 3 weeks later, the palpitations were back, didn’t feel light headed, dizzy etc this time tho, I had another ECG and another blood test, again all ok, Doc said heart rate at 88bpm was a little fast, so she prescribed me beta blockers – (propranolol) to take when needed, i.e if I had any more palpitations. A few days later the crappy feelings were back, light headed, dizziness, feeling faint, tight chest etc, etc.

    Some days were better than others, I could manage most days with a few minutes of mild symptoms. Then I started to feel worse and worse as the days went on. Have had a few more visits to the Doc’s they check the usual stuff, heart rate, blood pressure etc. The new doc said 88bpm was normal and nothing to worry about, well within normal limits. I should add at this point that the word anxiety was used a couple of times.

    The past 3 months have been hard, not knowing what has been wrong with me, feeling at times if I would pass out, or actually die, wondering if I have some disease, or illness, not knowing if I would have a heart attack. Some bleak times thinking of leaving my kids, my hubby, my mum and everyone. I found a website all about ‘Panic/anxiety Disorders’ it lists pretty much every symptom, thoughts and feelings I have had over the last 3 months. Back to the GP to find out whether this could be what I have, then maybe I will get some help.

    Finally diagnosed with GAD and prescribed 10mg citalopram, I was a bit wary of the side effects at first, but after reading others experiences on here, and experiencing some of the effects anyway, I thought what have I got to lose. I have only been on them for 16 days but so far so good, a few side effects, yawning and stuff like that. Most importantly I am starting to feel like me again, I do still get some physical effects of anxiety now and then, but because I now know what i'm dealing with it's easier to cope with.

    I will be interested to read how other people's anxiety started and how they cope with them.
    Last edited by cheryl72; 30-05-09 at 16:14.

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