I am a ex smoker and my HA problems are relating to my mouth and lymph nodes.

It all started 6 months agon when i found a lump in my moputh which was just a cyst. but ever since I have become obsessed with my mouth. I keep checking my mouth anywhere from 10 - 20 times a day. I find things that are not really there or are at least not a problem and get myself worked up.

Ive been to dentist 5 times doctors 4 time and consultant once in the last six months about my mouth or lymph nodes.
They always say the same thing there is nothing to worry about. Everytime i look at my mouth i find a new thing to wwrry about. For example I see a red spot that is actually just blood vessels. Why can I just stop looking and beleive everything is ok. I cant keep gogin to teh doctors/dentist everyting I notice somethign with my mouth.

This is driving my insane and cant be easy for my wife to deal with. i just want to be stress free like i used to be. Im normally such a logical person and normally able to work through my problems but I find this all so hard to deal with.

Any advice reassurance would be great