Well I went to the GP today to tell him about my worries that I have bowel cancer. I had worked myself up into a real state as I was sure he would at least want to do some blood tests or even send me for a colonoscopy. But no, he just listened to me and said I should eat less fibre! As I am 54 and going to the loo more often than I am used to and it's been going on for a couple of months, I really thought he didn't listen to me.

I also talked to him about my 7yrs of hot flushes, lack of sleep and the fact that my headaches which had pretty much gone away, have come back with a vengeance and every week I am getting one that lasts at least a whole day.

His response to me was to suggest I try Propanalol. Apparently it will help with my anxiety, reduce my hot flushes and help with the headaches.

I'm really scared about using yet another medication, even though apparently I can take these on an as needed basis. If this is the answer to so many of my problems I don't understand why I wasn't offered this before and in the surgery I was so anxious I didn't ask the GP.

I would really appreciate any advice from anyone else who may be taking Propanalol for these conditions or from anyone who has any general advice about taking it.
