I have suffered from anxiety and panic on and off over the lasy few years and have been up and down. In general I panic much less these days and have developed strategies to deal with these feelings before they take over my life.

Recently though my anxiety seems to be a low level anxiety about everything.....I suddenly feel as though I don't understand how I can exist. Thinking about the Earth being a rock in space orbiting the sun seems totally illogical and unreal - I 'know' that scientifically these things are all explained but it's like my brain can't comprehend it and so it worries me. It has hightened my fears of dying and made me feel scared of growing old. I've developed a fear of flying because it doesn't make sense to me that planes should be in the sky. I am terrifed of the nuclear testing in Korea and was almost crippled with fear when they turned on the haldodren collider thing and talked about the world ending with a black hole.

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of life/earth/the universe and how crazy it seems?? Does anyone feel like they are living in a world that isn't real? I guess I am looking for reassurance that I am not the only one or honest opinions on whether I am totally crazy? I guess I am scared that I will lose my grip on reality.

Thanks in advance.