I've been taking 120 mg of Duloxetine for about a year. My consultant and I recently decided to switch from SSRIs to Tricyclics as the efficacy of the Duloxetine has waned. For one week my dosage was reduced to 60 mg, then (starting this past Monday 15 June) to nothing, with my new tricyclic beginning on Tuesday 16 June.

Unfortunately, I'm now experiencing a withdrawal which can only be described as hellish. My withdrawal symptoms include: Almost constant brain zaps; debilitating dizziness and nausea; frequent nystagmus; terrible short term memory problems; and horrific nightmares.

These symptoms are completely debilitating; in fact, it has taken me an inordinate amount of time to write this posting. I'll begin typing, then get a brain zap, then forget what I was going to say (or wanted to say) and start typing again, then get a zap, then get nauseous, etc.

I would really, really appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this kind of nightmarish withdrawal from Duloxetine and managed to get through it. I can honestly say this is the worst I've ever felt. It sounds crazy, but I'm afraid to lie down to go to sleep because I'm afraid I might go into convulsions and/or die. So some experience and hope would help me quite a lot. When will this end?

Thanks so much.
