Guys, I need to talk,to let my feelings be known to folk who understand this condition. I have woken up this morning AGAIN with that familiar foe called dread which then grows into a little anxiety, causing my chest to feel "tight",tingly & my heartrate to be faster. I then progress to fear as all the thoughts of my health whiz around my tired mind. Is this just anxiety or is it my heart? will I spiral into a panic attack? is this just panic or is it something more sinister? As I think these thoughts I become more anxious & afraid. My partner says that I am becoming selfish in my attitudes & I recognise it too but how do I explain that all my selfish behaviour is directly related to my fears,phobias? I am short tempered, irritable - not a pleasant person to be with at the mo.I read some of the members stories on this site, recognising some of my symptoms but also then obsessing on heart problems.please please somebody out there communicate with me. I did post a message 2 days ago with no response from anyone which makes me feel really alone....