This is my first time even using a forum. I hope I'm doing it right.
My sister has recently been diagnosed with OCD and I dont know what to do. Our whole family is a bit lost. She's 21, sexy, smart, intelligent and has everything going for her and yet something is not quite right. She avoids all contact with us and just stays in her room the whole time. She's permanently washing her hands and changing her clothes. She wont come near us or even hug us. Its actually getting scary and I dont know what to do. How do I help her? I'm so confused because no matter how much I read up on this I just dont understand how did she get it? Its beginning to affect our relationship and I dont want her moving further away. Pleeeeeeeeez someone give me some pointers on how i can help or understand her. We live in South Africa and although OCD is recognized as a disease people jus make fun of it. I dont know what to do for her. Please someone help me.