hi im hoping someone can help or give some advice...
I started taking cipralex around 7 months ago for panick attacks and GAD...I was only given 5mg as i had bad experiences with a couple of other anti depressents, however Cipralex seemed to work with little side effects apart from stomach discomfort/distubance, dizzyness, headaches and fatigue (trust me after having tried Citralopram the above side effects are nothing compared to what that horrible pill put me through)...
My panic did settle however i develped health anxiety aswell as GAD and gradullay have slipped into depression...im not going well at all....i went back to my docs who advised to increase dosage but i was sooo reluctent so he offered to give me CBT and councelling instead, neither of these have helped and so i agreed to increase dosage but only to 10mg for now....ive been on 10mg for around 3-4 weeks and i didnt think i would experience side effects as the product is already in my system however i think i am???

Is this normal to have side effects when ur dosage is increased??? Im tired, stomach upset, a lot more anxious and panicky...constantly feel as though my heart is in my throat, my hands shake a lot and i get dizzy spells...its strange..i though i'd left all of this behind???

And im really annoyed that my Dr who is actually pretty damn good, has never really explained anti depressents and there side effects not even the first time around last yr, i had to find all the information by going on forums such as these, thankgod!!

AD's can be really nasty pills, i can understand y ppl r reluctent to take them, if i'd have known the side effects i dnt think i would either, the side effects r what caused me to feel ill therefor feeding the health anxiety which has trebled since taking these pills!!

soory for rambling just one more question??
when should i expect to feel the effects of the increase?
