first day on fluoxetine today for me! feelng pretty bad already, totally didn't expect to feel anything this early! I was on sertraline for years, was great but recently didn't seem to be working as well so my psych put me on venlafaxine(or the hell drug as it is now known in my house), that was awful, so they changed my to fluoxetine, today being my first day.

I am really scared, even my psych told me to be prepared for a few really rough weeks when i changed onto fluoxetine, but reading your stories had helped, as at least i am not alone. I would say try and stick with it guys, i remember when i started sertraline years ago, for the first month i was very unwell, but then it worked and it helped me no end, in fact, sertraline was the reason i could function for the past 15 years. I hope you all find fluoxetine works for you in the long run, hell i hope it works for me too in the long run.