Hey Emma,

You are right I need to face it. tomorrow is the big day and I am a wreck. My sister says I can go and stay with her for a couple of days and I am in two minds because that will just be putting it off!

My therapist says use support but also make sure I have some time alone - hard to do in a way because for me it will either be nine hours alone while hubby at work or a whole day at my sisters.

My mum gets back next week and she lives around the corner from me but is very active and always doing stuff so then I suppose I can be exposed to it graudually - as in maybe spending a few hours with my mum to break the day up but spending time alone too till it becomes nothing again. This whole thing has shown me how your emotions can come out of nowhere and then suddenly bang - there is something that freaks you out that a week before did not! So strange.
