Hiya all

I know i am probably repeating a Q that has been asked a million times but i need some advice.I have read through archived posts but they dont quite match how im feeling.
I have said before in a previous post that i have a heart murmur.It was discovered then investigated in June and was given the all clear,except they said my heart rate was really fast.
My problem is over the last week or so i have really bad chest pain and pain in my upper back,under my left arm and breast.I feel as if something is wedged in my chest and lower throat as well(it feels a little like when you are grieving or highly upset)although more intense.
My limbs feel rigid and as if i have no control over them,i am so tired.
I have these feelings all day every day,its not something that comes and goes.I have never felt like this before.I get very breathless,it sounds a little raspy.
I have to take each day as it comes and really force myself to get to work etc(i am usually already exhausted by the time i get there).I only work a few hours a day.
I was determined not to go back to the Drs,but am scared my murmur was a warning sign.Do you think it is?
Sorry for going on.I didnt even think i was anxious thats why im so worried about these symptoms.
Hope someone can shed some light for me

Love a very worried Hunny [V]