Being agoraphobic myself, and after spending years just trapped in my bedroom I know how hard is it to find things to do, I also know how bordem can trigger depression.
So a few years ago i compiled a huge list of things to do inside your home and put it onto another phobics forum which is sadly no longer around. The list was especially for agoraphics so it didn't even involve garden activities.
Anyway, yesterday I found the list on an old memory stick so I'd like to share it with you all, hopefuly there will be some things on there you'd like to try. Hope it helps

Computer and Internet

Play computer games
Make a newspaper or magazine (You can use pictures from the internet)
Make a CD, tape, DVD or video cover
Play games online
Online Course
Surf the web
Join forums (Phobic, your favourite band or TV program, hobbies, cars etc)
Create Quizzes or take Quizzes
Watch web cams ( is really good)
Print off writing exercises, puzzles, stories, recipes, music sheets etc)
Learn new skills and about new things (knitting, scrap booking, guitar, flower arranging, animals etc)
Watch TV clips, programmes and movies (for free on
Create a profile on dating/friendship websites
Create your own website or group (You can do this for free or you can pay)
Find epals/penpals
Chat in chat rooms or instant messengers
Shop online (For food, clothes, supplies for hobbies, DVD’s, CD’s etc)
Give Advice ( allows you to give advice on health, love, school, family issues, friends, and lots of other topics.)


Make a scrapbook (You can make one for your favourite photos, or for your favourite TV program, music band, or things you like such as cars).
Make greetings cards
Make jewellery
Cross Stitch
Make a collage
Decorate a room in your house
Make a newspaper or magazine (Using cuttings from other newspapers and magazines, pictures from the internet, photos, felt tip pens etc)
Make a CD, tape, DVD or video cover (Using pens, pencils, paint, pictures)
Do writing exercises
Write a story, novel, your autobiography, a song
Write a script for your favourite TV programme
Make quizzes
Sort your photographs into albums
Make a documentary about your agoraphobia, fears, progress etc
Create a dance or exercise routine
Design houses, buildings, cars, clothing etc
Customise old clothing
Make a board game
Paint glass bottles
Decorate boxes to keep jewellery and other keepsakes in
Have music lessons (Find someone who will come to your home to teach you)
Make lists (Your favourite songs, DVD’s, food etc)
Imagine that you are going to a desert island or The Artic, write down what you would take with you (which clothing, DVD’s, albums, books etc)


Make a CD, tape or computer play list
Read books/magazines
Watch films/TV
Listen to the radio/cd’s
Organise your CD’s/DVD’s
Ring or text family and friends
Invite family and friends
Do yoga
Have a bath
Pamper yourself
Play board games
Make a treasure hunt (especially good if you have children)
Do a home study course
Do housework
Play games on a mobile phone