Hi there Everyone,

As some of you may know, i have suffered with panic attacks, anxiety, social anxiety, and agoraphobia. For anyone suffering with these problems i can honestly say that it is possible for you to cure yourself. However, you don't suddenly become thin overnight when you start exercising, you need to maintain this PATTERN so that you don't fall back into your old ways and become fat again. You have chosen a pattern of living that makes you feel anxious, now is the time to choose a pattern that makes you feel relaxed and happy about life.

First of all, you CHOOSE ( even if you are choosing to feel miserable and anxious) to feel every emotion that you feel in your life. We are the only animals that have the gift of CHOICE, this is our ultimate FREEDOM, and this is why...

Everytime you make a desicion whether it be concious or subconcious, you have a STIMULUS (situation- whatever provokes anxiety) --you then have a CHOICE ( Space where you make the decision)--- and once you have chosen, you have your RESPONSE( your reaction to the thing that has provoked anxiety).

All you need to do to control your anxiety is realise this, at the moment you are reacting to the situation. You are not spending enough time making the CHOICE to choose your response, you are letting your subconcious choose for you. The space is small, you need to expand this space. ULTIMATELY you choose your response to everything in your life, you are in ultimate control.

You are choosing to feel anxiety at the moment. Now here is how to CHOOSE not too.

If i were to say to you don't think about blue, whatever you do don't think about blue, what colour would you be thinking about ? BLUE right?

Okay so now i say, don't think about anxiety , whatever you do don't think about your anxiety, what do you think about - your anxiety ?

SO...if you want not to have anxiety:

1. FIRST don't try not to think about it.
2. Find something to focus on ( what you focus on is what you become"!) so focus on something fulfilling, energising, something that inspires you, makes you feel like you are contributing. DISTRACT your mind.
3. Feel the fear or anxiety and do it anyway...the longer you spend dwelling on it, the more intense it becomes and the more you are drained of your life energy. It's bad to focus on oneself so much, try being more helpful to people around you.. volunteer at a charity, take the focus off yourself.
4. Cultivate a passion- what do you really want to do, set a goal, then take steps to make it happen.
5. DISIPLINE- this means you are in control!! when you say something to yourself you do it, it gives you conviction in yourself. Take action when you say you will. You will realise you are in control.
6. CHOICE- make the choice, you are choosing to be where you are now, if you don't like it , or how you feel, change it.
7. Start asking questions? Ask your mind constructive questions not negative ones. If you ask your mind why do you feel so bad.. it will find an answer. the brain responds to what you ask it, it will answer any question, so make sure you ask the RIGHT kinds of questions. For example. What can i do to make myself feel better today? Ask empowering questions.
8. There is no such thing as the future. There is only NOW! Make yourself feel good in this moment ( not through alchol or drugs mind). Concentrate on now and the future will take care of itself.
9. There is no such thing ask a mistake...don'T beat yourself up so much, life is a learning experience, everytime you fail, you have learnt one more way how not to do something, and eventually you will find the way that works. Just keep trying and don't be disheartened.
10. Evaluate your life. Make a plan..You wouldn't start driving without knowing where you were going ( what your destination is) or you would end up anywhere, or nowhere. Definately not in the place you want to be, so then why do you entrust your mind to know exactly where you want and are going in your life? Isn't that just madness..