I've always joked about my O.C.D. with people around me but I have never had the courage to log on to a forum with other sufferers.
I'm undergoing chemo-therapy at the moment so my thought processes are a little erratic but I'll get down a few facts quickly before trailing off...
My OCD seems to change but the underlying theme at the moment is superstition. Always trying to keep to set paths and rituals otherwise I fear money problems will result. However this is tempered by fear that succsessful rituals will result in bad luck if used too often.
A lot of the time I stop to break any burnt matchstick I see under my walking stick tip. I also spend ages flicking any bits of plastic rubbish away from my magazine selling pitch.
I should be off any work but the DWP seems to think that a man with Hepatitis C, a severly damaged right leg, spine, on chemo-therapy, on opiates, and severly depressed can work. Well yes I can! For about one hour every few days....
I've not even mentioned the OCD to my GP or Liver Team, but does anyone here think I should because it does take up great parts of my day ( when I am concious and cogent, that is )
Tired and hurting now, must lie down for a while and try to sleep. Will write more soon...