Heya all, unfortionatly my HA seemed to get Sparked yesterday, when I found that weird mouth lump...and I am once again starting to get more and more anxious...

As if yesterday evening I started feeling a weird pain, it allmost feels like headache...but on a weird location, its just behind/under my left ear, not really inside it, but inside the hard bone behind the ear..

I've had frequent headaches the past month's, but i've never in my life experienced headache on this area...Some might remember that a month or two ago I was also worried about Lymph Nodes on my jaw line..well they're still there...So in my mind everything starts to connect itself with one another and must have a serious underlaying cause...

Anyways...does anyone ever experience pain in the location I described..? Or does anyone have any knowledge about pains in said area?

Hope to get some replies...

Kind regards, and thanks for all the support
