Hi All,

I thought I would start a kind of day to day bloggy thready type thing. This is to try and motivate myself and hopefully motivate anyone else out there that has the same kinda thing - as I am going out of my mind at the moment!

Right, The deal here is that I have suffered with anxeity/depression/panic attacks for just over 3 years and have come to a real big setback lately - where I cant go to work and even going anywhere on my own seems too much as I seem to be having panic attacks in even my "safe" places (like the car/my house etc)

I've never been on medication as I really do feel I have the drive to do it without - and I want to show it is possible! However last week when I felt like the world was going to end (literally) I got some meds from the docs and they made me feel so much worse I couldnt stick them out.

So here I am - Cold Turkey - With amasing support from my boyfriend (which I couldnt do without) and so much motivation from another NMP member (you know who you are!).

I know this is going to be a rough road but I want to get out of this hole and prove to myself and hopefully motivate others to do the same - that this can be done! I am going to practice some things out of a book by Clare Weekes I am reading to see if these will help - and will update you with my progress on the way...

I hope you find this interesting and even a wee bit helpful