Hey everyone, I have been suffering for verryyy bad anxiety for about 5 years now, its to the point where I cant be far away from my car or my home without feeling very bad. I am 22 years old, and I recently just had a baby, and since then my anxiety has gotten worse. I can not go in stores, I can not take walks, I can't enjoy life..i met with a doctor and he perscribed me Klonopin, but now the thing is i've read the side effects and I saw that "seizures" was one of the side effects, I haven't had a seizure before, but with my anxiety i always worry about having one, or fainting, ect so now im scared to take the medication! I dont know what to do..i feel like i am never going to get better and i just want to be able to take my baby for walks, or to the park, musuem..ect, and i feel stuck now, its either i take this medication which IM TERRIFIED of or i live with this...any one know about klonpin I know its addicting which scares me too..but has anyone taken this or have any advice?? PLEEEASE>.