sowy i think i may have caused some confussion on the board my name is shirley and my best friend is sunnyspice she told me about the forum as i am a suffer from panic attacks, she allowed me 2 log into the site with her username so i could take a look round and read the message boards and see if i felt it was the sort of place which could help me, well as you can see after sitting reading the posting i decieded 2 post one of my own without stopping 2 think i wasn't registered and would be posting under sunnys name i am so sowy for doing this as it now seems 2 have caused some confussion over posts sunny as made herself i hope by sending the message i can clear this matter up and can now myself become a member of this forum i will also aplogise 2 sunny myself as i know she hasent personnely been on for quite a while as she as not been 2 well in herself i truly hope you can all forgive me for this mistake as i feel a bit upset 2 have caused it i would like 2 say this forum is wonderful there is so much surport offered by other memebers it truly is nice 2 have been recommended 2such a very caring place
