I've been suffering panic/anxiety for 2 months. I've not had a very good few last days, and last night i got up to go to the bathroom and as i was walking along my whole body felt really heavy, as if it was going to shut down, This of course set me off panicking and I'm having an awful time this morning, thinking I had a mini stroke or have ms (Ms is uppermost in my mind at the mo as I heard of friend of mine who has it has deteriorated, and also reading the thread on here from someone who thought their symptoms were anxiety but it turned out to be ms). Does anyone else get heavy limbs during times of panic? I usually just feel lightheaded (again a possible symptom of ms)? I am so sick of this. I know you are supposed to learn not to fear the symptoms but I'm finding it impossible at the moment, and have convinced myself it's something more serious. I just know I'm going to spend the day crying and panicking now.