Do you ever go out with friends/acquaintances, and regardless of your sobriety, you dwell on stupid (or things that you later perceive to be stupid) things that you said? For example, I went out Saturday night... and ever since then I've been thinking about all the things I said and how people probably thought it was stupid. .I then dwell and get embarrased by myself. Haha, I just want to crawl out of my skin! I wasn't drinking, but they all were. Which makes me feel a bit better because then their minds we dumbed down a bit for the time being. With that being said, perhaps they didn't even notice my possibly ignorance. UGH! I just hate feeling stupid and wishing I could unsay things that probably didn't even phase the other people. I've always been like this and it just now occured to me that it is my anxiety/OCD causing me to ruminate.

Do any of you know what I'm talking about?