I was put on prozac a few months ago as my doctor diagnosed depression. It didn't work though so a few weeks ago she put me on 50mg of sertraline.

It was an absolute godsend, although I wasn't bright and bubble like I used to be, I also wasn't crying one minute and weeing myself laughing the next. I was in between and I was happy with that.

Then she upped my dose to 100mg.

Since then, I've been tired, had palpitations and really bad butterflies in my stomach. Along with it, I feel like I'm struggling to breath and I hyperventilate sometimes.

I can even 'make love' with my hubby without me feeling like I can breathe.

Today at work, my heart started thumping really fast and hard (or at least that's how it felt to me). I started to sweat, got butterflies in my stomach and was having to try and control my breathing.

Has anyone had anything like this on Sertraline. I've got an appointment with my Doctor on Friday and I'm going to break my tablets in half and just take half a day which equals the 50mg I was one before.

I just need to know if other people have had side effects like these or whether I've got symptoms of panic attacks.

The greatest thing about these tablets is I've not had suicidal thoughts since I've been on them, although I did cut myself when I was having a dream that I'd killed my Dad and was cutting him up.