I stupidly googled my symptoms and I have all the symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. I have the IBS type symptoms, the nausea, the lower abdominal pain (especially worse on my low right hand side), I'm getting indigestion almost daily no matter what I eat etc. I'm 29 and have convinced myself it's ovarian cancer. I've been told I have IBS by my Dr even though I've had no tests other than full blood works done (and a chest x-ray for something else). I've been in constant pain with all across my lower abdomen (I'm thinking it's my bowel) for months. My antispasmodics don't work (on merbentyl) and neither do painkillers (take co codomol). Just can't ge the thought out of my head that is could be ovarian cancer but I of course won't mention it to my Dr when I go next week because I won't have tests etc.