Sorry to bother you all, but i need a bit of reasuring and dont really want to go to the GP, I really thought i had got over this Health Anxiety but something started it all off again last night..

I have had a bad stomache for years probably 10 years or more, my doctor recently said i had IBS, but it was only on the symptoms i had told him and i had no tests done, i dont suffer severe pain or bloating like some others do with IBS, mine is mostly churning and a bit uncomftable at times with changeing bowl motions, mostly loose the majority of the time and a feeling like when i go to the toilet i havent really finished...

Someone i know had Colitis and had a bag fitted when they were younger, now after feeling really tired all the time recently they went to the GP for tests and its Cancer and it has spread to other parts of the body, and he is to weak for treatment so they are just going to make him as comftable as posible....I feel so upset for him.

How does the doctor know if i havent got Colitis by just the infomation i gave him, i really believed i had this cracked, i believed i had IBS now this happening as made me think again....

Would i know if i had Colitis and what are the symptoms ?? i promised myself i wouldnt Google it as that makes it worse..

Desprate Dan,