Hi everyone. Just needed to share this. I have lived in this house for nearly ten years! I have painted it so many times the rooms are getting smaller! We have been through so much in this house as a family i could write an essay on it. I got used to having to trapse downstairs in the middle of the night to use the toilet.
Anyway this house is actually rented, i rent it from the highways agency which makes me a crown tenant. Crown tenancies are a nightmare as far as housing benefit goes because the house is owned by the government. The house has three bedrooms, which is perfect because my two boys can have a room each.
The downsides are that we live with slugs, and i don't mean the odd one i mean we are swarmed with them, in every room in every cupboard. The house is very damp and the back garden is unsafe for my children to play. I am also just about to start work and i will lose my income support, i will get some housing benefit but when i eventually go full time i will have to pay full rent of nearly £600 per month.
So i decided to move. The council have given me many points so i can start bidding on their available properties. I am terrified! The area i live in now is private and it really nice and im really scared of moving somewhere i don't know. I already sleep with the lights on god knows what i will be like when i move, my OCD will be through the roof.
This house is like my comfort zone, ten years is a long time. I realise its time to go and i am partly excited and partly really scared. I aint even been offered anywhere yet but im panicing just thinking about it. Does anyone else ever get like this over house moves?

Kez xx