I feel so down about myself, am always having negative thoughts, not good enough, not good at anything, not interesting, better of dead, only 6 (max) people would miss me if I died, just want out, etc,etc

I thought I was getting a bit better but started a beat the blues course, which has made me see how pathetic I really am. ie target for the week to read a book! Thats the highlight of my week.Sad!

It seems that everytime the fog lifts slightly something or someone will do, say or act in such a way to make it come down again. I am trying hard to be a little positive but I'm soooooo tired. I love my husband and son SO much and would never leave them, but sometimes wish I could.

Is this just depression? Been through a lot in last 7yrs but never really stopped just got on with it, anyone been through same or have the same feelings?
Sorry for waffling just needed to get it out thanks for reading
