hey everyone,

i found this thread from googling withdrawel symptoms from dulexetine, ive been on it for about a year, i was previously on citalopram, but it turned out that i was allergic to it so had to switch quickly. Ive taken a year out of my medical degree and am now back into it all.
I was on 60mg but for the past 5 days have switched to 50mg, i think that im going to stay at this level until i feel fine, and then come down another 10mg until im finally off them!!. At the moment though ive been worried because im really itchy?!?! has anyone else had that?? im tired too, but also had insomnia for a bit but i took a sleeping tablet and since then the tiredness has started. I think ive also become a bit hypomanic, and my tolerance for people that annoy me is about 1%!!! Also im getting some really strange abdo pain but is it coming down or my IBS??? oh dear!!