Hi Jill, thanks for your input. I am lucky that my headaches are not migranes, just a daily dull ache which is not so much what I can call painful, just annoying and draining at times. I feel as if somebody has their fingers in my temples most of the time. Have u gained any weight on Ami?

Hiya James, I was told to start at 10mg, then to 20mg after 2 days and 30mg after 3 4 days if tolerated. I have had 20mg the past 2 nights but I am soooo groggy in the mornings I may drop down to 10mg for a couple of days as the doctor first suggested (Having an MSC in Psychology I think I know best, perhaps should admit maybe I don't) and as I was on such a high dose of dosolupin 150mg, I thought 10mg would be useless. As only 2 days not sure about appetite. I am very funny about it as have recently lost 3 stone and the thought of gaining it back is frightening. On SSRI's I went nearly a week not eating, and the headaches were blinders... it's strange as 2 years ago I managed Citalopram well for depression. But I was on the same dose and 3 stone heavier? Perhaps that had something to do with it. I think the Ami may have constipated me a little - but also on NSAID's and they can do that too - have decided from today no NSAID's and no DIazapam - and just 10mg tonight and tomorrow and will discuss my options with my psychiatrist on Friday, First app with him. I did get an increased app with Dosolupin but I am quite active now, swim 50 lengths 3/4 x week and run a bit too (although yesterday was so lethargic could not do a thing!!!!! - so I might gain weight if I keep lounging about like a sloth!)

I actually found out yesterday two of my best friends have suffered with daily pain, one of those migranes and the other shoulder pain, and they were both fine with 10mg - one said it kicked in after 2 weeks so I think knowing hers were nasty nasty headaches and it worked at 10mg is making me think I will drop to 10mg. I can always increase in a while and perhaps without this terrible morning hangover feeling! Of course, these headaches started from anxiety/panic attacks which have diminished to 80% (but I have been on other meds and could start withdrwal effects soon eeeeek!). I did explain to doctor that the headaches are making me anxious, as they would anybody - so I am thinking if 10mg can shift them then I would prefer to be less lethargic - I was a zombie yesterday!

How is the pain today James? x