Hi This is just a general queston really just needed to know people's thoughts on this. If you are working and generally getting on with your life even though you still have anxiety and at times i get it really bad. Though i have not had a full panic attack since last year. When i was taking Citalpram had been on it for 5 weeks and had the worst panic attack i had for a long time. I stopped taking it then. Though i am getting on with life its a half a life as i still stuggle so much with going anywhere which is far from home and at times general anxiety is with me 24/7 but i still go to work etc. So i'm wondering should we be grateful that we are not how we were and accept our lives or try and do everything we can to get back to "Normal" eg how we were before we had anxiety. My councellor has said perhaps i could give Venlafaxine a try and over the years i have tried different tabs but nothing has really helped me. I'm thinking i will give them ago. But it also started me thinking i have come this far mostly without tabs so should i just be happy as i am or take the tabs and hope that i might just get back to the person i was. Sorry this has not quite come over how i am thinking it in my head. I hope you understand what i am trying to say?

Take care