Hello June and Going Home, Welcome to the 'healthy board' I don't plan anything too strenuous when it comes to exercise because many of us have underlying issues and struggles. I am not qualified to be a dietician or fitness instructor but I have done both for years and succeeded in the past but I always find myself back at a point where my clothes are feeling tight and I am too tight (in the purse) to go out and buy new. This time I can blame the meds yay! lol

I first want to get some members together then we can draw up a plan what suits us all. We all have different patterns so it's just a case of working around what suits you!

I eat 3 meals a day but when I am on nightshift I can manage 2 for instance so my meal plan will be suited to those who do the same sort of shifts.

I promise it isn't going to be a stressful diet, we are all at a different place right now and the last thing we need is to have more stresses and strains. Also please take no notice of the 'fashionista's' the magazines (airbrushing) and other body images. We are here together to feel better in our skin whether you want to lose a few pound or a few stone. No one is judging if they do they have me to deal with mwahahahaha