I really need to go for a blood test but i am soo scared. I fainted once when i was younger after one, though i've always been ok. Lately i have been feeling more spacey than usual and like tightness in my throad and its making my anxiety 10 fold. I spend all day and night trying to convince myself it will be ok but i keep bringing on panics by thinking about it and imagining all the bad things that might happen (feeling spun out/throwing up/fainting). I know i won't be able to get much more help unless i get a blood test, and its bad enough that i have to walk 10 minutes to get there (i have agoraphobia), and can't get a taxi a i am afraid of travelling too.
I wish the nurse could come here and do it but then i feel silly because my legs aren't falling off, and i know i should just be ok.
Once i get one i will be able to sort out benefits and diagnosis and such but i just can't bring myself to do it eek!
