This is a bit embarrassing. Since starting citalopram I've been having some issues, poop-wise. Let's just say that when I have to go, I REALLY have to go and I've had near constant diarrhoea for about 6 weeks now. It isn't especially bad or severe, just means I have less time to get to a loo, but I've not had any accidents or anything. Been having some tummy cramps too, usually when I need to go.

I eat a diet high in fruit and vegetables, and don't really eat processed sweet things because I have sensitive teeth. I keep salt mostly out of my diet but started adding it in a little since starting the pills because I kept getting dehydrated. The only real difference between my diet now and before I gothelp was that I now eat 3 reasonable-sized meals a day plus light snacks, compared to 1-2 meals a day plus a butt-ton of coffee.

Has anyone else had these sort of tummy upsets? Any tips for coping with it/lessening the issue?