BF told me lasat night that he has stopped taking his tablets (40mgs of Prozac) he didn't do this on the advice of the doctor or reduce gradually, he hasn't taken any for 6 days!!

It wouldn't be so bad if he was well at the moment, but he is showing symptoms of severe anxiety and dealing with a lot of life stresses at the moment.

We moved in the summer and neither of us like our new doctor, he is so uncaring and hardly speaks. So getting BF to see GP isn't going to be an easy option. I know we could change GPs but that would take time to sort out and we have a lot on our plates at the moment.

BF is still anxious but hasn't had any huge problems with the sudden withdrawal of Prozac, but I am scared he will crash at any minute!

Don't know what to do for the best. Anybody experienced similar or any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks and Best Wishes

Sarah x