Sometimes I think it is not death that one fears but the thought of leaving others behind. "How will they cope without me etc"
For those with younger children this can be the main thought. I remember having this fear and I put into words in a book how I felt about my son and notes to guide him through life, so that he could look at it when I am not there. That was 8yrs ago and I still have the book. I am sure he will find my thoughts and ideas funny when I give it to him when he is older lol

There are a few ways to look at death

1. we can see it as the end and when we die we no longer exist
2. we can see death as a stepping stone towards somewhere else

I for one thought "if I have this fear then let me see if I can find some hope".

For me faith was the answer and I believe that I do go to heaven when I die and my son will be with me at some point. I understand others may not accept this but you may also find another path in your quest to cope with this fear.

Its such a horrible fear and it steals all of our life, to the point where we are not so much afraid of death but afraid of life.

its a rational fear because we will all die but it becomes all consuming when we think about it all day everyday.
My advice is try and come to accept that life ends and new life begins. In the same way a seed must die for the beauty of the flower to be seen