Hello everyone,

I just found this site when researching DLA and agoraphobia, I had been looking for a forum to post on, though, as I think it might be helpful to talk to other suffers. I've never spoken to anyone who experienced the same problems as me so I look forward to coming across a few people on here.

I've had panic disorder with agoraphobia for 10 years (since I was 15) which was triggered after having several panic attacks at school during the same year waiting for immunizations (I hate needles). This feeling of panic subsequently generalized to pretty much my whole life and I've suffered since with the occassional period where my anxiety has receeded to a point that I've lived a 'normal' life for about a year.

I've taken escitalopram, seroxat, diazepam, alprazolam, and lorazepam for my anxiety in the past and I've seen a psychiatrist, a counsellor, and 3 psychologists. I'm currently only taking diazepam as needed but my anxiety is very accute recently and is threatening to render me housebound so I'm giving myself a few weeks to see an improvement before I go back on seroxat or similiar. I've always managed to cope with life; sitting my GCSEs and A-levels and completing a BA and MSt without having any special arrangements, but since I stopped taking seroxat- due to the side effects- my anxiety has come back full force (and even more intense) and is stopping me doing even basic things.

My biggest issue is the feeling of being trapped, which is as prevalent in a social context as in a physical one, by which I mean that being with other people leaves me feeling trapped by social conventions (not being able to just run off etc). This has a huge impact on my social life, means I can't work, and am increasingly struggling just to get out the house.

I am currently seeing a psychologist for CBT who I've had to see privately as I've been on a CBT NHS waiting list for several months and I decided my future was far too important to just be at the NHS's mercy. I am now considering applying for DLA to recoup some of the £70 a week I'm having to pay for my own therapy, although looking at the form I think I'll struggle since I'm able to do things alone (to an extent) but not with other people. It seems that being completely incapable of working isn't enough...

That's rather a long introduction, I look forward to browsing the forum a bit and seeing what other people's experiences have been. I'm especially keen to find some inspiration that I will one day get better and that this isn't the beginning of the end of my life
