I have depression and anxiety,been on antidepressents 10 weeks now,i am off work with it,and i know i cant go back to the job i do anymore.I have had a bad 2 years health wise and this is where the depression has come from,work hasnt helped with it been so stressful.Anyway i want a new career and i have applyed for a course at college in sept,when i am feeling well i want to get a job before i go to college,if i get on the course!At the moment im not getting any statutory sick pay from work,as i only do 13 hrs a week,i used to be full time but because i was off work last year with another illness i only went back to do a few hours.I dont think im going to be able to get any benefits if i leave my job because of my health with only doing 13 hours!I still live at home with my parents but i cant rely on them to provide for me,they have already been great!