Hi all,

Sorry for being a pain again.

I have these 'Valerian Ultra Plus Tablets - 250mg Valerian Extract with 60mg Hops' tablets that i was going to take to sleep. My sleep though has improved and I do get to sleep even if it isn't totally restful etc.

Anyway I guess my question is can i take these in the day as well? Say if i'm going out for a social event or need to go into town etc?

I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment with the combination of the anxiety and depression....the depression means i am quite sluggish etc but then the anxiety when i'm out means i goes ort of spacey and feel like i'm going to fall over almost and that i can digest all the info around me....would the valerian help me with that or is it advisable just to leave it in the cupboard just incase my sleep deteriorates?

Thanks...sorry for the long ramble!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!