Hi Guys, I just came in here to ask for a big virtual hug and seen that the forums already had a big dose of sadness. So I feel bad posting but I kind of still need some kind thoughts....

I haven't posted much the last many months as I'd been no worse and no better with my anxiety, and a kind member here had the time to support me via PM & email. I'd been thinking of getting different meds to see if it would beat the anxiety a bit more and plan(ned) to spend the voucher I won in the raffle on some CBT type books to help myself that way.

Anyway other than not improving life was going OK in early January....

Then my son stopped going to college - I think its depression/lonelyness far more than just laziness, maybe even a touch of SAD. Quite sad for him and worrying as its hard to make up an education later. Also if he stops going the government take away all those things like tax credits and we hit the buffers financially. Haven't yet managed to get him to go to the Drs! He's very withdrawn even for a teenager....

Then last week my elderly mother took a turn for the worst. She suffers from acute alzheimers anyway but after a gastric upset last friday she has not eaten and has only drunk a little - literally syringed into her mouth. A couple of days she showed some consciousness but now she seems completely out. So we're kind of just waiting....

My sister looks after her most of the time, but I've just taken over for the next few days (as I often do)... Its calm enough, but a little bit freeky.

Anyway - if anyone has any kind thoughts I'd be glad to read them.