Aside from saying hello to everyone this shall be my first and with luck my longest running post.

Its aim is to share my experiences with you all, gain some form of therapy from it and as a by product (hopefully) help others in a similar situation with there own battles.

The focus is on CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and my experiences in using these techniques when challenging my own anxiety.

Id like to make a point at this time that despite a brief session with a GP who specialises in behavioural therapy and hypnosis I have not once seen a therapist for my condition. This has been for a variety of different reasons, but I will probably outline these later on down the line. I have also chosen not to take any medication for my condition, again for many reasons and have opted to "kick it freestyle". I have done a fair amount of experimenting with several different types of CBT based techniques and its these experiences I would like to share with you.

It is my aim to (eventually) treat this thread as a diary of sorts where you will be able to see which techniques I have been able to apply to which situations and what the outcome has been weather it be good or bad. As well has how this has effected my condition in the long term.

Id like to take this time to welcome you all and I look forward to sharing with you. And I hope that this thread can help you as much as it is going to help me.

As a forecast, my next post will be about how I have come to this point in my life and my reasoning behind my current method of thinking. I plan to make this a warts and all account of my experiences to date. Although in itself, a relatively selfish form of therapy for me. I do recognaze that some of my potential readers may be experiencing similar situations that I may have experienced some 2 or 3 years ago and may be usefull to them to learn how I had managed to overcome them, or not. Or at least with my current knowledge how I should have reacted during these times.

So again welcome. And I look forward to sharing with you all.
