I had been suffering with globus symptoms for nearly a year, when a friend mentioned that she found soya caused her throat to swell. Last year I decided to cut down on my dairy intake and replaced it with soya, milks and yoghurts mainly, which is when this globus started. So I cut out the soya, and my throat lump has almost gone! I still have some sensations in my throat, but I think that is due to other problems, I suffer with bruxism, (teeth grinding), which causes me to carry a lot of tension round my jaw and neck area, plus I think I have spent so much time concentrating on my throat it has become a hard habbit to break! It is nothing like it was though.
I was googling food allergies/intollerance, and it seems that one of the symptoms can be tightness in the throat and a lump sensation. Common allergens include wheat, gluten, dairy, soya, I even read about a man who was allergic to tap water!
It may not be the cause for everyone, but it may be an avenue to investigate. Unfortunately, food intollerances are a tricky business to identify and usually includes keeping a food diary and trying elimination diets, or else visiting a specialist that can test you, at a cost of course. Mine was simple as it was easy to cut out something I had only started having a year ago, although I do miss the soya milk, I dont miss it as much as the lump!!
If anyone does discover a link between food and their throat problems, please do share your experiences / successes.

Take care.