Hi all

I'm suffering from all of the above and really would like to understand what is causing it. I work away from home so can't get to a doctor for a few weeks.

I started having some breast pain a few days ago but it seems to have spread and got worse. It can move from under my left breast, to under my armpit to round and under my shoulderblade. It is now starting to come up towards the top of my shoulder at the back. At best it's a dull ache but sometimes if I move in a certain way it feels like something's pinching.

The whole area is very tender too and almost feels as if I have rope burn (skin is sore even just to brush over)... this is on top of the internal pain.

I have recently taken up running and wondered if it was connected to not wearing a supportive enough bra (although why then is it only on one side?). Don't think it is a pulled muscle as have looked at muscle diagrams and there doesn't seem to be one muscle which covers the areas in which I am sore.

I am not swollen and cannot feel any obvious lumps (although is too tender to probe too firmly). Whether I wear a bra or not doesn't seem to affect the pain.

In the week prior to this my left breast was very itchy - this has stopped now and I'm not sure if it's connected (never had it before this).

Any ideas anyone?!?