only on what our fragile human bodies can take.
seriously, Im there ever a point where we turn around and say "Well, that's the airplane, we cant improve it's great isnt it" that dosent happen. People are always at work trying to improve current technology, or create new technologies by mixing current ones and a bit of innovation. Now that apple brought out that iPad, I was like "WOW!" I never thought that in the future we'd all be carrying around portable, wireless internets on devices as thicks as plasterboard, and as big as A4 (I say all because the prices will be way down in 20 years, so it's conceivable)
Perhaps one day, (500-3000 years ahead) humans will be travelling from earth to mars in spacecraft that are better than we couldve imagine now, off to their mars holiday, or the science labs where they work.
Mayby a new type of battery will be made, allowing our mp3s to keep on playing, allowing machines that require more power to become portable.
Perhaps a new engine will be created to replace the current jet engines in aircraft, mayby an engine that uses less fuel but still goes like shit.
These things might seem like an imaginary fantasy land, but think about it, they are all very possible, technology has always come round before and swept us off our feet, is there any limit to the capabilities of technology?
How much will a person's life be changed in the future by their technology?
Could they scan themselves in seconds with a cheap small device, and then get a reading telling them they have no health problems (Ofcourse, then there would be people that this thing would effect negatively, hospitals and doctors would ofcourse get less work) and so corruption ensues, it seems to always happen! Mayby the only thing slowing down the advance of technology are people and their money, they won't want to lose money because of a fantastic brilliant new thing comes out.
In times of war, technology has never grown so fast, there was a real danger, and a real reason to make technology better, to beat that of the enemies.
Ju get me?