I've just signed the Rethink petition which says 'I care about mental illness and want a government that cares too'. Please sign it too.

I hope you don't mind me passing this on, but it's a really important issue. Rethink wants to ensure new Members of Parliament don't forget that 1 in 4 people are affected by mental health problems, and many are STILL:

- missing out on basic treatments and information
- facing discrimination in everyday life and
- too often locked up in prison without any healthcare.

Rethink has created a petition calling for the new Parliament to act to improve things for people affected by mental illness.

They're aiming to collect 10,000 signatures to take to Downing Street as soon as the election results are in. It’s a very big target! So please join me in helping them to reach it!

It only takes a minute so please join those like me who are saying, 'we care about mental illness and need a government that will act'. You can sign it here: http://e-activist.com/ea-campaign/cl...mpaign.id=5721
