Not posted for a while. Looking for tips on coping with a train journey I have to undertake.
Not been on public transport for over 10 years, but doing a 2 hour journey tomorrow, only one way, to collect a car I have purchased. Seller meeting me at the train station.
I can feel my Anx levels creeping up now, I will do my breathing exercising in the morning and the meditation/relaxation exercises tonight.
I managed to get a deal for first class carriage and its Sunday so hopefully it won't be too busy.
At the height of my Anx I was a agpraphobic and I still have problems with travel/holidays and being far from home, not to bad when driving myself.
So any coping mechanisms/tips from members would be welcome.
I had spent time looking into getting the car delivered, but going myself is the cheapest option by far, my partner has encourage me to go on the train, she is of the opinion that this is something I need to do to get free of these feelings.