
I am trying to make myself believe that I have a superhuman brain LOL

- but honestly I do think that we are a certain "type" of thinker. maybe some would call it worrying but my in my brain anyway I think I just run through everything before it happens.

I have to laugh at myself sometimes. Even silly things like my partner said to me earlier - i'm just nipping down to the petrol station to get the paper and he was gone for half an hour - so I started to think - what if he's been in a car accident - or what if someone heard his accent and started a fight with him (he's irish and it was old firm day in glasgow today!) when he got back i said where have you been i thought something had happened to you - he said oh i ended up going to sainsburys instead and getting some biscuits etc - i told him what i was thinking and he just gave me a big hug and told me to stop worrying all the time about everything!!! how sweet.

I've just been a bit on edge all afternoon and this evening - think if things don't improve in the next few weeks i may go back to gp and ask her to increase my dose - then i maybe wouldn't have to take so many beta blockers.

Oh yeah just read the posts on your thread - you most certainly seem to have a fanclub now - bring on the martin barr printed t-shirts!!!!