I was standing at my window today admiring the lovely sunshine and two teenagers walked past my front garden. Nothing wrong with that even though they did look a bit shifty. They obviously had a dog as one was carrying a lead. It appeared the dog was off the lead and one of them had to run to catch the dog. They walked to my neighbours, mucked about with her gate and then disappeared to her back. They were only there a few moments then came past my front again. What is the point of this thread you may ask? Well the shorter of the boys punched the poor dog in the head, so hard it lost its balance and then kicked it twice in the tummy. I banged hell out of my window and the boy just shrugged. I was livid but a bit too scared to go and have a go face to face. How cruel can people be? This dog had done nothing wrong except run free for a few moments and if they knew the dog was of the run away kind it shouldnt have been off its lead in the first place. Sorry for ranting on but this got me so damn mad.