hi all

I have my mental health assessment tomorrow morning at 9:30 and iv got the wobbles about it. Its at my house due to the agoraphobia and I know its going to be fine and they just want to know what im all about but im just worried im going to go really dizzy and just want them out of my house! or when i talk about how crap a lot of things are in my life i'll just burst into tears and it wont reflect on the fact im doing ok i just need a bit of support. Also I dont want them to touch my meds at all as im happy with the balance iv got with them - plus i kow they're going to say 'well first we need to get you to the doctors for appointments' - uh no, not after last time i went there (4 years ago) the stupid therapist shut me in a room and said she wouldnt take me home until id got through the panic attack - despite me begging and crying like a crazy person - she promised she would take me home whenever i wanted , needless to say the trust was gone after that!
sorry that was a ramble - just nervous and hope i dont lose it - i already have a headache - plus i hate not having a set amount of time - like 1 hour -the letter says leave a couple of hours - if i know for definate how long i have to stay calm i can break it down into like 10 min slots and work through it - oh bum!

im ranting - i'll stop - just needed a friend to tell me its gonna be alright.

anna xxx